Dear Members:
2023 is our inaugural year and we will be starting the exciting process of our first grant cycle of giving. The Impact100 model is based on five different focus areas. Nonprofits in our region will be able to apply for a grant in one of these areas, and our members can participate in the grant process by volunteering to serve on a focus group committee. The focus groups below will begin meeting soon – stay tuned to see how you can get involved.
Arts and Culture: Including cultural programs, participation in the arts and arts education.
Education: Educational opportunities for children and/or adults, especially those that address lingering educational disparities affecting our community.
Environment: Preservation and Recreation: Including conservation and preservation of natural resources; environmental justice; parks and recreation; agricultural sustainability; environmental education and climate action; also includes non-domesticated animals.
Family: Including strengthening and enhancing the lives of children and families, seniors; also includes domesticated animals.
Health and Wellness: Including improvement of people’s mental and/or physical well-being.
We all have nonprofits we support. It’s time to reach out to them and ask them what they would do with a $100,000 grant. They can check out our eligibility and guidelines online at and follow us on social media. More information will be coming soon.
Facebook: Impact 100 Greater Sacramento Instagram: Impact 100 Greater Sac
Upcoming Events Mark your Calendar!
February 9, 2023 Mix and Mingle – Get to know fellow members, future members and friends. Bring a guest who wants to learn more about Impact100.
Location: 5:30 Brasserie Du Monde – 1201 K Street, Sacramento. You should have received an Evite. Please RSVP as soon as possible. If you haven’t received your Evite, check your SPAM or contact us. Membership closes February 28, 2023 for this year. Please help us build our membership!
March 16, 2023 The Big Reveal – At our first signature event, we will reveal how many members we have and therefore how much grant money we will be awarding for 2023. Invitation to follow. (5:30 pm)
Other Chapters making an impact
I’m often asked for examples of nonprofits who have received grant money from other chapters. Below are a few examples of other Chapters and the difference they have had in their areas.
Impact100 Metro Denver Chapter
Grant recipient: The Maria Droste Counseling Center. This counseling center addresses community needs by making mental healthcare more accessible to community members and reducing barriers to care. The issues tackled include things like transportation, cost, lack of childcare and the stigma associated with mental health needs. To do so, they integrate counselors into locations where people are already receiving services, including K-12 schools, family justice centers, primary care offices and senior living facilities.
Impact100 Owensboro Chapter
Grant recipient: The HL Neblett Community Centers. These Centers provide full-service childcare and after-school programming for families in a highly diverse and low-income area. They provide children with breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner daily. Their recreation department offers a fitness center with free admission to the community and features a basketball court, game room and programs such as sewing and photo club. These chapters provide inspiration to our Greater Sacramento chapter.
Now it is our turn!
Collectively, Impact100 Chapters have awarded $123 million in grant money to nonprofits in their regions. I look forward to 2023 and seeing what amazing things WE can do in our community through our unified giving and transformational grants.
Thank you for being part of Impact100 Greater Sacramento,
Evelyn Jensen – President
Have you thought about joining as a member? Impact100 Greater Sacramento is currently in its 2025 membership drive. Join us in making an impact by becoming a member by February 28, 2025. Do you want to join with your friends? Participate in the You+2 Challenge! Bring two friends to join, and you’ll be entered to win great prizes.