Dear Members:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Impact100 Greater Sacramento, I want to wish you happy holidays and thank you for being part of this amazing organization. Each member has their own reason for joining, and their stories are unique and inspiring. I look forward to getting to know you better at events and focus group meetings in 2023.
Below are a few thoughts and updates:
Practice intentional kindness
A friend of mine was telling me about how nice a woman was to him one morning when he stopped for gas and how this woman brightened his day. The woman was finishing her shift and on her way to a second job. My friend wanted to do something nice for her, and seeing a Starbucks across the street, went and got her a gift card. Him telling me about this gesture turned into an entire conversation about intentional kindness.
Being kind to people should be second nature to us. It not only makes the recipient feel good, but makes us feel good in that process of giving. As members of Impact100, it is what we all want to do – to give to others in order to strengthen the communities in which we live.
Personally, I want to work on building more kind acts into my daily life. Simple acts are easy to do, a compliment, helping a neighbor, surprising someone with a gift card or helping out a nonprofit organization. Each of these will brighten someone’s day and make our sphere of influence a happier place to live.
Come mix and mingle
Our next chapter social event will be February 9 at 5:30 pm at Brassiere Du Monde, 1201 K Street. Janay will be sending out an evite soon so you can RSVP. Until then, please add it to your calendar.
Member Highlights
Paulette Trainor, our Membership Director, has the honor of being our first member highlight. The highlights will be posted monthly on our social media accounts. You can learn about fellow members and other chapter news by following us on FB: Impact 100 Greater Sacramento; and Instagram: impact100greatersac. Member Jenny de la Vega will be helping us out by spearheading the member highlights program.
Together we will make an impact
I look forward to 2023 and seeing what amazing things we can do in our community by our collective giving and transformational grants. Until then, I wish you the happiest of holidays and a healthy and joyous new year.
Thank you for your support,
Evelyn Jensen – President Impact100 Greater Sacramento
Have you thought about joining as a member? Impact100 Greater Sacramento is currently in its 2025 membership drive. Join us in making an impact by becoming a member by February 28, 2025. Do you want to join with your friends? Participate in the You+2 Challenge! Bring two friends to join, and you’ll be entered to win great prizes.